Milan, February 23 (LaPresse) – "The Word of God and prayer will gather and express all our words, fully, and help us to feel in communion with each other, with the Holy Father, and with the Churches in Italy that will gather, in the coming days, in the sweet company of Mary to intercede for the Pope’s health." This was stated by Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, Archbishop of Bologna and President of the Italian Bishops' Conference (CEI), at the start of the Holy Rosary prayer for Pope Francis. "Many, in friendship, have entrusted us with their prayers. Numerous expressions of gratitude and esteem have come to us, which we present to the Lord so that He may strengthen Pope Francis in faith and grant him healing, so that he may return to his service for the Church and the entire world," observed Zuppi, adding that "the Pope will be pleased that, together with him, we remember all the sick, including the forgotten ones: the lonely, those suffering from illness marked by violence and war." "Jesus, our sure hope, hear our prayer: 'Spes non confundit' – hope does not disappoint," he concluded.

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