Siena, 25 Feb. (LaPresse) – A case of pulmonary tuberculosis in a worker at the Sarrocchi school in Siena: this is what the Siena university hospital has reported to the prevention department of the south-east Tuscany ASL (local health authority). From the epidemiological investigation in progress – the local health authority informs us – there does not appear to be a significant risk of transmission in the school environment: nevertheless, the Prevention Department, in line with its mandate to protect public health, will carry out surveillance on the students and operators identified as contacts of the case, as a maximum precaution.’ The link with the management of the institute is constant, adds the ASL – and the operators of the prevention department will carry out the Mantoux test on the above-mentioned contacts: This screening test, which is simple to perform, consists of inoculating a purified protein derivative (tuberculin) into the forearm and allows us to identify subjects who have come into contact with the tubercle bacillus’. ‘It is important to point out – concludes the ASL – that a positive result does not necessarily mean that the person has the disease, but it allows for timely investigations and, if necessary, the implementation of preventive therapy to avoid the onset of the full-blown disease’.

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