Rome, 14 Mar. (LaPresse) – ‘I am rightly concerned. From one to ten? I would say six, but concern is a tool to make me work better’. This was said in an interview with La Repubblica by the mayor of Naples Gaetano Manfredi after the new tremors in the Campi Flegrei, distinctly felt in Naples as well. ‘Epicentre closer to Naples, an important tremor, with a significant acceleration. People got scared, rightly so. With tremors of a greater magnitude,' Manfredi explains, ’there is an emergency plan that provides for people to be evacuated in extreme conditions. At the moment there are no such conditions. These are decisions to be taken by the Operational Committee in the prefecture with the national civil protection.'I strongly feel the responsibility of being mayor of this city. But experience helps me to make the best decisions for the safety of the citizens'. On a possible relocation of people in the event of stronger tremors, even of magnitude 5, Manfredi explains: ‘It seems a remote risk at the moment based on the data recorded. We are lucky to have a strongly controlled area, with the highest density of instruments in Italy'. In any case, yesterday ‘there was no structural damage, only detachment of partitions and some false ceilings’.