Bologna, March 14 (LaPresse) – The red alert for hydraulic criticality has been confirmed in the Bologna area and extended to Romagna for the entire day. The decision, communicated in a statement by the Emilia-Romagna Region, is linked to the river situation, with water levels expected to exceed threshold 3 for the right-bank tributaries of the Reno River and the western Romagna basins. Particular concern is raised by the Lamone River, which in Marradi, on the Tuscan side, is experiencing unprecedented flood levels: over 3 meters at 12:15 PM, and 2.32 meters at Strada Casale in the Romagna Apennines.
For tomorrow, the red alert remains in place for the Bologna plain, the Romagna plain, and the Romagna coast, where potential flood surges from the current hours are expected. Meanwhile, the alert level has been downgraded to orange for the Romagna and Bologna Apennine mountains and high hills.
Today, heavy precipitation, including thunderstorms, is expected in the central-eastern Apennine belt and the central plain of the region, extending to the central-western sector by late afternoon and evening, with river levels exceeding threshold 2. Strong southwesterly gales (75-88 km/h) are forecast for the eastern Apennine areas, while moderate gales (62-74 km/h) are expected in the central Apennine areas, with possible temporary reinforcements or stronger gusts.
For Saturday, water levels exceeding threshold 3 are expected in the valley stretches of the right-bank Reno tributaries and the western Romagna basins. In the mountainous sections of the central-eastern watercourses, water levels are expected to exceed threshold 2, with localized exceedances of threshold 3 possible. In the Apennine sector, localized landslides may occur due to high soil saturation following the recent heavy rains.
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