Palermo, March 17 (LaPresse) – The toll of the road accident between an eight-seater minibus and a van on State Road 194 in the Carlentini area, in the province of Syracuse, is three dead and seven injured, four of whom are in critical condition. The two vehicles reportedly collided head-on. Two people died immediately upon impact, while a third was rescued but succumbed shortly after.
The accident occurred shortly after 2:00 PM. Firefighters, emergency medical personnel, and the Augusta Carabinieri promptly arrived at the scene. That stretch of the highway was closed to traffic. A rescue helicopter landed within minutes, transporting the most seriously injured to hospitals in Syracuse and Catania.
The minibus was carrying several agricultural laborers working in the area's greenhouses, while the other vehicle, a flatbed van, was transporting other workers. The three victims were all from Adrano, in the province of Catania.