Milan, March 22 (LaPresse) – Lucia Simeone, the assistant to Forza Italia MEP Fulvio Martusciello, answered questions from the judge of the Naples Court of Appeal and obtained house arrest. She was arrested on Thursday in a hotel in Marcianise (Caserta) under a European arrest warrant issued by Belgian authorities for criminal association, money laundering, and corruption in an investigation into alleged bribes paid by lobbyists to favor the Chinese giant Huawei in the EU regarding 5G. 'My client answered all the judge's questions, declaring herself innocent. We could not even claim to be unrelated to the facts because the facts are not very clear,' explained her lawyer, Antimo Giaccio. Simeone 'explained her professional activity and also the reason for this bank transfer of one thousand euros, which is alleged to be the price of corruption. At the end of the interrogation, the judge granted house arrest while awaiting a decision on her extradition to Belgian authorities, which we have opposed,' added the lawyer.

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