Rome, 26 Jan (LaPresse) – ‘We have not closed to dialogue. The truth is that a dialogue has never opened so we could not close it’. So said the president of the Anm Giuseppe Santalucia, contacted by LaPresse. ‘The minister summoned us months ago, illustrating the bill by saying that it was imposed by the electoral programme of the government majority and that that was what they would have brought to Parliament – he added -. The hypothesis of opening a dialogue has never been in the field, moreover, here we are not talking about salary issues or rights of the magistrate official but the constitutional framework, so talk of negotiations to be made with the government is improper. ‘There is no negotiation to be made on the constitutional reform that touches the heart of the relations between the powers of the State and it is very difficult to think that the text can be improved with some marginal elements of detail when the heart of the reform lies precisely in the alteration of the relations that today regulate the executive and judicial powers in a balanced manner’. ‘The fact that there has not been any kind of dialogue is also demonstrated by the way the text has been passed through parliament, with the government majority blocking it and not even the parliamentarians being allowed to propose amendments. It is unfair to say that we, as the Magistrates‘ Association, have a stronger role to play,’ he continued.