EU, Tajani: ‘Musk? Sovereignist Europe is not my Europe'

Rome, 3 Feb (LaPresse) – ‘What do I think of this Musk idea of a sovereignist Europe? It is not my Europe’. Thus Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Tajani, on the sidelines of an event in Rome. 'I believe in a federal, popular Europe that has a Judeo-Christian soul. I believe in federalism, I am a European sovereignist and I am also an Italian patriot. Then, everyone has their own ideas. They are not mine'. Whether this stance of Musk's is ‘dangerous’? 'In democracy nothing is dangerous, they are ideas that must be confronted. I defend my ideas, but then we always confront each other. However, it seems to me that in Europe, the majority of citizens, in the elections a few months ago, chose the European People's Party,' he concludes.