Rome, 20 February (LaPresse) – In the case of new pandemics, any restrictions on freedom can only be ordered by ‘laws or acts having the force of law’, such as government decree-laws, and not by ‘administrative acts’ such as dpcm. And vaccines should not be considered the ‘only means’ of treatment. This is stated in the new pandemic plan sent by the Ministry of Health to the Regions. ‘Faced with a pandemic of an exceptional nature, there may be a need and urgency to adopt measures relating to each sector and a necessary central coordination, evaluating the best regulatory instrument and giving priority to parliamentary measures. The use of administrative acts for the adoption of any measure that may be coercive of personal liberty or suppressive of civil and social rights is excluded. Only by laws or acts having the force of law and in compliance with constitutional principles may temporary, extraordinary and exceptional measures be envisaged in this regard,' the text reads.

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