Rome, 25 Feb (LaPresse) – ‘I have attended a number of conferences from Asia to America. And everyone repeats: we live ‘crazy times’, times gone mad. All the more reason to understand foreign policy – without the provincialisms typical of Italian public debate – is decisive in understanding where we are going. Five years ago we said to pay attention to Saudi Arabia and we were mocked: we have seen today that Ryad is one of the most important geopolitical players in the world. Three years ago we were asking for a European special envoy for the Ukraine-Russia war and they did not listen to us: today Europe seems to be out of the negotiating table. Five months ago we proposed the United States of Europe and they told us we were exaggerating: today we realise that divided individual European countries have no future. I think that politicians cannot live on slogans, but must have the strength and intelligence to go beyond the bureaucratic thinking and offer a vision, for today and for the coming years. This is what we want to continue to do, because today as never before we need a wake-up call for Italy and Europe'. So writes the leader of Italia Viva, Matteo Renzi, in his enews.