Rome, March 14 (LaPresse) – ‘The dramatic images arriving in these hours from Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna, combined with the seismic swarm that is hitting the Campi Flegrei in Naples, lay bare the hypocrisy of politics. Every time, the same phrases of circumstance, the usual empty promises, while the reality is there for all to see: the territory is abandoned, the safety of citizens is not a priority and there is no strategy of prevention and adaptation to the climate crisis and against hydrogeological risk'. Thus in a note Angelo Bonelli, MP of Avs and co-spokesperson of Europa Verde, who continued: ‘There are no resources because the government chooses to invest elsewhere and there are those who have expressed satisfaction in obtaining a derogation from the Stability Pact to invest even more in rearmament. This short-sightedness is criminal: we find ourselves commenting on foretold tragedies every time extreme events hit our country, leaving Italy in a state of fragility that puts citizens' lives at direct risk. Hydrogeological instability and seismic risk cannot be relegated to the margins of political debate, sacrificed on the altar of other priorities such as the arms race. The numbers speak for themselves: with almost 300 euros of economic losses per capita, Italy is the first country in Europe for damage due to climate change, a figure that has increased by 490% since 2015. This is the result of decades of short-sighted and irresponsible policies, and the Meloni government is continuing along this same path, ignoring the increasingly dramatic signs of the climate crisis. This inertia is unacceptable. Immediate and structural investments are needed to secure the territory, to protect citizens, and to face the great challenge of the climate crisis'.

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