Middle East, Crosetto: "Iran concerns me more than Ukraine"

Rome, March 21 (LaPresse) – "Right now, Iran concerns me more than Russia. What could happen in the Middle East worries me more than what might happen in Ukraine, where perhaps a peace process has now started. The Minister of Defense has the duty to address every possible scenario in the future." These were the words of the Minister of Defense, Guido Crosetto, speaking on 'Un giorno da pecora' on Rai Radio 1. "Peace is a balance of forces. The Berlin Wall fell because there were forces on both sides, and in the end, everyone understood that neither side could prevail over the other. What we hope for is that balance will be reached without weapons. But if one side is heavily armed and the other is unarmed, there is no balance. What is forcing us to do this is that Russia now has 1.3 million soldiers, and will reach 1.6 million, plus 2 million reserves – that’s 4 million soldiers," Crosetto added.