Rome, 25th March (LaPresse) – ‘It's really a shame that Bertinotti is defending his violent behaviour towards Giorgia Meloni and is claiming responsibility for it. Throwing a blunt object at someone is not something you can announce and then claim responsibility for. Prodi deserves similar condemnation, as he even attacked a young journalist in the cowardly silence of many journalists' unionists, who evidently do not act to protect the profession, but to serve a left-wing ideology. In fact, their silence is worse than Prodi's violence. He should be ashamed of what he did. But those who don't criticise him are worse than he is. I believe that in the cases of Bertinotti and Prodi, rather than criticising them, we should address their family members, so that they can keep a closer eye on their ageing, which leads to statements and behaviour that the passing of the years brings out, but which certainly doesn't justify. They need blame, but above all they need care from those close to them’. Thus the president of the senators of Forza Italia, Maurizio Gasparri.