Santanchè case, La Russa: ‘Dilatory strategy? It is only procedural dialectics’.

Milan, Mar 26 (LaPresse) – ‘But what dilatory strategy? I would understand the controversy if Daniela Santanché had done something to drag out the trial. But, from here, I don't think so. It seems to me a simple matter of trial dialectics'. This was Senate President Ignazio La Russa's comment to Corriere della Sera on the controversy surrounding a possible postponement of the sentence on Daniela Santanché's indictment, after the ‘tweaking’ of her lawyers' team. ‘I would understand the controversy if she had changed the panel. But she only added another one,' La Russa added, ’her defence merely asked for terms of defence. The judge can grant them or not, since a lawyer is already there. It is usually done'. And on the institutional embarrassment caused by the replacement within Santanché's legal team, the president of the Senate commented: ‘You cannot make an ad hoc code of criminal procedure for Daniela Santanché. The fact that she is a minister does not suspend her rights of defence'.