Rome, 27 Mar. (LaPresse) – Giorgia Meloni's government celebrates an important milestone, becoming the fifth longest-lasting in Republican Italy. ‘In 79 years of republican history, Italy has had 68 governments. Today we are in fifth place in terms of duration. In practice, this means that we have risen 63 positions in about 127 weeks of government’, the premier exults in a video published on her social media channels, thanking first and foremost “the many citizens who continue to support us”. “After two years, the majority is still cohesive”, the leader of Fratelli d'Italia proudly affirms. From Palazzo Chigi, Meloni emphasises how, historically, governments in Italy have not lasted long: ‘And Italy has paid the price, because stability is fundamental to give the nation a vision, an authority, an international centrality’. ‘We – concludes the premier – will move forward with seriousness and determination because it is what Italians ask of us, but above all it is what Italians deserve’.
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