Milan, Jan. 31 (LaPresse) – "Milk and cookies for Giulietta at 7:50 AM. Now that Gabriella has arrived, she's a bit jealous and wants Francesca to take her to kindergarten. I try to convince her, come on, come with me. But no way. Not that I mind, because it means I can go back to bed for a bit, since nights with a newborn are quite a circus. Then it's office, training. In the evening: home, dinner with friends," said Valentino Rossi in an interview with Corriere della Sera.
"I thought being a dad would be harder," he admitted, "but with two daughters, it gets more complicated. At first, it's easy because newborns, apart from not sleeping at night, don't ask for much. You have to break in."
Is it still racing first, then everything else? "When I race, I try to find the same focus. I miss my family, but I know I also need that kind of happiness. It’s about improving, being competitive with cars. Which are much safer than motorcycles. Before the start in MotoGP, you're incredibly tense, dealing with fear. The adrenaline is incomparable. And then, car drivers are almost always rich guys who pay to race, while motorcycle riders are often nobodies who might become rich by racing," said The Doctor.
Regarding his relationship with Francesca Sofia Novello, he confessed: "Having children as a couple is a bigger step than marriage. But at this point, getting married could happen too. At a friend’s wedding, his older kids carried the rings to the altar. It was beautiful. I’d love that. I’m saying this to buy some time—because for Gabriella to do something like that, it’ll take a while."
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