Milan, 6 Mar. (LaPresse) – Caroline Darian, the daughter of Gisèle and Dominique Pelicot, sentenced to 20 years for having drugged his ex-wife and having allowed strangers to abuse her, yesterday filed a complaint against her father with the court of Versailles through her lawyer. The 46-year-old accuses the man of ‘rape and attempted rape, sexual violence and administering a substance that can alter the state of discernment in order to commit rape’. According to what the French broadcaster Bfmtv has learnt, Darian believes she was the victim of sexual abuse by her father for a potential period of 10 years, from 2010 to 2020, while she was unconscious. Contacted by Bfmtv, the woman said that ‘she hopes that with this complaint justice will really do its duty’. During the investigation into the so-called ‘Mazan rapes’, several items relating to her daughter were found on Dominique Pélicot's computer, including 2 photos of Caroline lying down, wearing panties that did not belong to her, and visibly unconscious. After analysis, it emerged that these two photos were taken in different places, including her parents' house in the Paris region. It was noted that Caroline was photographed in the same position as her mother before she was raped by strangers. Comparative montages of Caroline and her mother Gisele were also found, files with names like ‘my naked daughter on 9 July 2020’ or even ‘mother/daughter montage comparing the front’. Finally, the computer equipment seized revealed Skype conversations with an anonymous user, to whom Dominique Pélicot sends images and videos of his daughter's nudity.
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