Strasbourg (France), 12 Mar (LaPresse) – As expected, the PD delegation in the European Parliament split in two on the resolution on the defence white paper and support for the European Commission's rearmament plan: 11 abstained and 10 in favour. This is according to the list of nominees. All 21 MEPs participated in the vote and none voted against. The following abstained: Brando Benifei, Annalisa Corrado, Camilla Laureti, Dario Nardella, Matteo Ricci, Sandro Ruotolo, Cecilia Strada, Marco Tarquinio, Alessandro Zan, Lucia Annunziata and delegation leader Nicola Zingaretti. The following voted in favour: Stefano Bonaccini, Antonio Decaro, Giorgio Gori, Elisabetta Gualmini, Giuseppe Lupo, Pierfrancesco Maran, Alessandra Moretti, Pina Picierno, Irene Tinagli and Raffaele Topo.

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