Turin, 27th Mar. (LaPresse) – The importance of the Arctic for Russia and the world is growing, which is leading to an intensification of the geopolitical struggle for positions in this region. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin, quoted by Ria Novosti. ‘It is obvious that the role and importance of the Arctic are growing both for Russia and for the whole world. But, unfortunately, geological competition and the struggle for positions in this region are also intensifying,’ the Kremlin leader said during a conference in Murmansk dedicated to the Arctic. “The Arctic is a territory that offers enormous opportunities for specialists of different professions, entrepreneurs and young families,” he added. ‘I would like to ask the government to extend the programme for the restructuring of military towns and closed administrative-territorial entities in the Arctic. This is of course also linked to the strengthening of our military component in this region: the number of military personnel here will grow,’ Putin explained. ’We will do everything to strengthen Russia's global leadership in the Arctic.’

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